Saturday, September 1, 2007

Just starting out

OK, I've started a blog that's accessible to everyone who is interested. We'll use this to post updates to our adoption process, as well as family posts once in a while.

Here's a quick recap of what we've done so far:
2003: started talking about adoption, gave birth to Patrick after minor infertility testing and treatments
2004: started trying to have another baby
2005: resumed fertility treatments
2006: continued fertility treatments
attended Resolve (national infertility organization) adoption fair
stopped fertility treatments
decided to adopt from either Vietnam or Ethiopia
requested information from adoption agencies who work in Vietnam and Ethiopia
2007: decided to adopt from Ethiopia
decided to adopt a toddler boy
decided that we are open to a special-needs child
February--chose an adoption agency ('s Society and Fam.ily Services)
Filled out initial application
Chose a homestudy agency (Fam.ilies Fi.rst in Atlanta)
Submitted homestudy application
March--accepted to CHS.FS
Completed homestudy visits with social worker
April--completed homestudy paperwork
May--received completed homestudy
Sent in USCIS application I-600A (Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition)
June--accepted to CHS.FS Ethiopia program
completed additional CHS.FS requirements for accepted homestudy
fingerprinted by USCIS
July--received USCIS approval form I-797C
CHS.FS accepted completed requirements
given final documents for Ethiopia dossier preparation
August 30--mailed completed dossier to CHS.FS
September 1--requested information on a waiting child

So that's where we stand right now. I'll be updating information as we get it.

Also, just to be clear--we want to protect our son and his privacy. We will not be providing his history or extensive information about his birth family, either here or privately. It's his information to share with people as he chooses. We're not trying to be rude, but it's not fair for others to know that before he does.

I'm happy to answer most questions about our adoption, so ask away!


1 comment:

ssgeorgia said...

Erin - This is wonderful news about a waiting child!!! I can't wait to hear more and enjoy reading your journey!