Thursday, November 26, 2009

NaBloPoMo 25--Thankful Thankgiving Thursday

It seemed appropriate to have a Thankful Thursday on Thanksgiving!

Today, I am thankful for:

1. Wonderful families on both my side and Jason's side.  They never fail to make me feel lucky to have them, to have their love and support for our family.  We genuinely appreciate spending time with all of them and are so glad to get to see both sides during this year!

2. The gorgeous area in which we're spending our time with Jason's family.  They live in southern Utah and the area is just breathtakingly beautiful.  Melkamu, Mom, and I went for a nice long walk through the rocks and hills today, so that Kamu could climb and play.  We had a great time.  Dad, Jason, Patrick, and Adam (Jason's brother) went off-roading in Arizona to see pink sand and petroglyphs.  They came back dirty and dusty and grinning from ear-to-ear.

3. An incredible Thankgiving dinner shared with loved ones.  It was absolutely delicious and we are so grateful to Mom for such a wonderful meal!

4. A surprise at dinner tonight--to celebrate Mom and Dad's birthdays (Mom just turned 60 and Dad is turning 70 next year), we're all going on a cruise in Alaska next summer!  I believe I just posted that going to Alaska was somewhere I've always wanted to go, and being able to go with everyone will be such a wonderful trip.  I'm already incredibly excited and can't wait to go!

5. The joy of both family and friends, at this time of year and the rest of the year round.  I am so thankful to have all of you in my life.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Erin!