Thursday, November 4, 2010

NaBloPoMo, day 4: On a serious note

I've been keeping things lighthearted here but the fact is that my aunt passed away due to advanced lung cancer on Sunday.  I won't be going to the funeral.  There are a host of reasons but really when it comes down to it, they don't matter.  Jason pointed out that funerals are for the living, and that's the major reason that I'd like to be there.  I wish I could be there with my dad, my grandmother, my aunt and uncle.  As sad as I am about losing her, I am more sad for those who knew her far better and longer than I did.

It wasn't a sudden passing.  It's been expected for a long time now.  I knew when I saw her over the summer that it was probably the last time that I would get to do so.  It's still extremely sad.

I'll miss you, Aunt Kerry.


Nicole said...

Sorry for your loss Erin.

Siobhan said...

Homes, you can't beat yourself up about this. Jason is entirely right. You and Skeletor will be up in a few weeks and you can give everyone big hugs then. I know it was a tough choice, but no one blames you or thinks you made the wrong choice. Chins up!

Lisa said...

You absolutely cannot beat yourself up. Your family knows how you feel. You had an opportunity to say goodbye to her. Big hugs to you. I will be going and you will be in my thoughts too.

Jess said...

Sorry for your loss. :(

Yo-yo Mama said...

My sympathies with you and your families, Erin.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss. That sounds really hard.
