Monday, November 23, 2009

NaBloPoMo 23--The one I almost missed

And is destined to be really pathetic, because I'm trying to finish all of my work before we leave for Thanksgiving. I would LOVE to not have to bring my laptop or anything else with me so that I can just relax and enjoy our trip to see the Morrey family. Mind you, this may mean no more posts while we're gone--it is highly unlikely that I'll get to writing and scheduling posts ahead of time. Before we get on the plane, I must:

1. Finish writing a lecture.

2. Grade 50 tests from 2 separate classes.

3. Grade 17 research papers.

4. Grade 20 lab notebooks.

5. Figure out what we're doing in tomorrow's lab.

I think I'll post some pictures for your viewing "enjoyment".  Without further ado, some more photos of the last week:

The birthday boy's breakfast!

Mama and Daddy may have known what to get Kamu...he can't wait to take it on our trip tomorrow.

Did we ever mention Melkamu's love of Mickey? ;-)

Dinner at Meskerem, our favorite Ethiopian restaurant in town.  It is always a fun night out, and we actually got Patrick to eat zil zil tibs this time (he polished off the leftovers the next night).  Kamu, as always, scarfed down some kik alicha and Jason had the lamb tibs.  It was soooo good.

And, just because I'm really proud of them, I graduated another Bradley class last night.  I can't wait to hear about the babies that are coming soon!


Anonymous said...

Hope you get/got everything done! Have safe travels and a super happy Thanksgiving!!!

Yet again, love those pictures!!! The birthday boys look happy indeed and Patrick looks to be doing a very happy job of celebrating too!

I count your friendship as a definite blessing!


Jess said...

Have a fabulous and stress-free Thanksgiving!